Ultrahuman is one of the biggest innovators in the world, in the space of Metabolic Fitness. Based on your glucose data, they provide recommendations to improve your nutrition and training.
They have raised more than $25m until date, and we've been working together to make it super easy for all their users to connect their wearables, through Terra.
In this conversation with Mohit and Vatsal, I was surprised to find that they are bringing a sensor to the market, soon enough, that measures multiple biomarkers - and one of the data points will be blue light measurement!
Even more though, their story is inspiring. They have previously build Runrr, one of the most successful last mile logistics platform in India - and were acquired by Zomato. At a point, they had 500,000 operators!
Some quotes + highlights:
01:11: How they started with Runrr - from launching a last mile logistics operator, to the acquisition from Zomato
03:11: Some growth numbers of Runrr - 2m transactions a day
05:11: The competitive advantage of Runrr
14:20: How the acquisition to Zomato started: It started as a sales conversation - from 2m transactions a day, to 80m
19:20: The beginning of Ultrahuman : ‘I was in Thailand, in a Muay Thai training camp. Some UFC champions were there training too'
24:09: Thoughts on HRV: ‘The first step was to try out different biomarkers ourselves, though we obviously were very fascinated by the HRV'
29:41: Thoughts on Glucose and Insulin
55:00: New Recovery algotithm coming to the market, and details of the new hardware sensor. Measuring blue light exposure will be one of the features
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