Pay yearly (save 20%)
Up to 500 users
Pay yearly (save 20%)
Monthly billing only
Up to 5000 users
Monthly billing only
Yearly contract only
Custom Price
Unlimited Users
Yearly contract only
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
30 Day Refund Period
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
24/7 Dedicated Support
Customisable UI for your Business
30 Day Refund Period
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
24/7 Dedicated Support
Customisable UI for your Business
Custom Integrations
Custom Destinations
Custom Processes
Exclusive Partnership
Signed Data Protection Agreement
Dedicated Server
Data Storage
30 Day Refund Period
Easily integrate with all health and fitness wearables, sensors and apps through a single API
Unlimited Integrations
Thousands of wearables supported
99% of the wearables market
5 min to integrate and start receiving data
Automatically receive the latest update to your Webhooks
Complete suite of health and fitness data
Including workouts, sleep, and more
Request for your user's historical data
Team Sports API
Monitor your athletes performance as a coach
Training Plan Posting
Send planned workouts to your wearable integrations
Failsafe Mechanism
Automatically receive missed payloads
Branded Authentication
Customize the authentication process with your brand
Custom Integrations
Leverage our mobile SDK to connect with health apps
Connect to Apple Health, Samsung Health, and more
Setup the SDK with 5 lines of code
Terra Avengers App
Seamlessly facilitate mobile authentication through our app
SDK Backfill Requests
Fetch user's historical data
Language Variety
Use Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), React Native or Flutter
Dashboard Tools
Streamline integration workflows and enhance analytics with our all-in-one dashboard.
Manage integrations from sources to destination within a single workflow
Monitor your Terra API usage
Data Generator
Simulate the output of any wearable devices
Advanced Debugger
Monitor events, users, and data coming from Terra API
Seamlessly switch between API versions
Enforce Scopes
Allow users to authenticate with or without granting all scopes
Permission Customisation
Narrow down scope requests for each providers
Team Account Access
Collaborate with your development team
Account Management
Team management, view invoices, edit company info, and more
Additional Environments
Authentication Widget
Authenticate your users wearables in minutes using our pre-built widget
Authentication widget for all integrations for seamless experience for your users
Customizable Widget Design
Customizable Integrations on the Widget Inteface
Multilingual Options
Arabic, German, Spanish, English, Finish, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish
Custom Branded Authentication
Stream real-time data from wearables, through BLE sensors
Stream real-time heart rate data
Effortlessly connect to Bluetooth Low Energy devices
Apple watch, Samsung Galaxy watch, Pixel watch supported
Language Variety
Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), Flutter
Direct user's health data to multiple destinations of your choice
Access to 9 destinations
Receive data in your Webhook, S3 bucket, Google cloud storage, mongoDB, and more
Customizable Destinations
Optimise your data into various formats before sending it to your app
Data transformation to Terra Standard Format, Fit File and FHIR Format
Customizable Processes
Resolve any issues with comprehensive support for seamless integration and optimal performance
30 Day Refund Period
24/7 Support
Direct communication with Terra API engineers
Assisted Installation
Dedicated Server
Completely dedicated environment for your traffic in regions of your choice
Dedicated instance to localized area
Enable data storage for your users
Data Protection Agreements
Ensure data security with our signed agreements, guaranteeing robust protection and compliance
Demonstrate SOC2 compliance and indicate secure management of data
Business Associate Agreement
Demonstrate HIPAA compliance
Exclusive Partnership
Join the partnership for collaborative opportunities and tailored enhancements just for your company
Exclusive Partnership
Collaboration through social media campaign
Blog, Podcast, and more
Specific product and feature request
Up to 500 users
Pay yearly (save 20%)
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
30 Day Refund Period
Up to 5000 users
Monthly billing only
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
24/7 Dedicated Support
Customisable UI for your Business
30 Day Refund Period
Custom Price
Unlimited Users
Yearly contract only
Unlimited Integrations
Advanced Mobile App SDK
Comprehensive Dashboard Suite
User-Friendly Authentication Widget
Real-Time Data Streaming
24/7 Dedicated Support
Customisable UI for your Business
Custom Integrations
Custom Destinations
Custom Processes
Exclusive Partnership
Signed Data Protection Agreement
Dedicated Server
Data Storage
30 Day Refund Period
Easily integrate with all health and fitness wearables, sensors and apps through a single API
Leverage our mobile SDK to connect with health apps
Dashboard Tools
Streamline integration workflows and enhance analytics with our all-in-one dashboard.
Authentication Widget
Authenticate your users wearables in minutes using our pre-built widget
Stream real-time data from wearables, through BLE sensors
Direct user's health data to multiple destinations of your choice
Optimise your data into various formats before sending it to your app
Resolve any issues with comprehensive support for seamless integration and optimal performance
Dedicated Server
Completely dedicated environment for your traffic in regions of your choice
Data Protection Agreements
Ensure data security with our signed agreements, guaranteeing robust protection and compliance
Exclusive Partnership
Join the partnership for collaborative opportunities and tailored enhancements just for your company
Health Scores
Provide your users with valuable health scores.
Use Terra optimised scores, developed by our data scientist team
Customise health scores tailored to your users with various metrics
Start at $499 / month
AI Agents
Empower your users with AI-generated and personalised suggestions
We connect OpenAI API with users' data for personalised insights
Decide the number of agents, prompts, webhooks, and more
3¢ / 1K tokens
Graph API
Generate graphs effortlessly and display them in your app
Visualise the data by generating interactive graphs in real time
Customise the graph types and colors tailored to your use
$50 per 2 graphs / month
Health Scores
Provide your users with valuable health scores.
Use Terra optimised scores, developed by our data scientist team
Customise health scores tailored to your users with various metrics
Starts at $499 / month
AI Agents
Empower your users with AI-generated and personalised suggestions
We connect OpenAI API with users' data for personalised insights.
Decide the number of agents, prompts, webhooks, and more.
3¢ / 1K tokens
Graph API
Generate graphs effortlessly and display them in your app
Visualise the data by generating interactive graphs in real time
Customise the graph types and colors tailored to your use
$50 per 2 graphs / month
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