Just over a month ago Oliver in the Terra team got COVID. He only experienced mild symptoms, but looking at the data from his Oura ring we can see what was going on in a lot of detail.

Tuesday March 22 - Thursday March 24
- Tuesday: No COVID-19, biomarkers are looking good.
- Wednesday: Oliver's Resting HR has gone up by more than 10%. His readiness has dropped slightly. Things aren't great
- Thursday: Oliver's Resting HR has jumped even more. His readiness is significantly lower. His body temperature is critically high. Later that day he reported a positive COVID-19 result.

Friday March 23 - Sunday March 27
- Friday: Oliver reports mild feverish symptoms. His readiness, resting HR, and body temperature all remain outside of normal levels. He tests positive for COVID-19 again
- Saturday: His body is fighting COVID-19. His vitals are returning back to normal levels. He reports no more symptoms. His readiness bounces back
- Sunday: Oliver's Resting HR returns back to normal levels. His readiness is optimal. His body temperature is normal.

What can we learn from this?
- Oliver's Oura ring could indicate a change in pattern, in the Resting Heart rate, and in Body Temperature.
- Potentially a developer can build a model, examining this rate of change in the patterns, to understand a virus/disease.
- This logic can be applied to other diseases and viruses. With more information on how people's biomarkers change when they are experiencing different illnesses, predictive models can be built to alert us when we're at risk of certain diseases and what steps we can take to fight it.