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Kyriakos Eleftheriou

Kyriakos Eleftheriou

October 14, 2022

Team Spotlight: Introducing Daisy

Every week we ask a Terra team member to let us know who they are. Here's Daisy:

So what wearables do you use and what for?

I use an Apple Watch. I mainly use it for my training, but sometimes I do use my watch to check my heart rate variability and see how restful I was the previous night and if I'm ready for another gym session, like an intense session. If it's too low, then I'm gonna do something easy and if it's looking good, then I'm gonna do something really intense. I am actually thinking about changing to another wearable since I want to be more serious about my training and Apple's HRV trends aren't great.

What kind of training do you do?

Usually, the main training I do is weightlifting. And then on my rest day, I'm gonna do simple cardio like elliptical, or dance. And if I'm not feeling great, then I do yoga.

Daisy working through an intense gym session

I was gonna ask you about F1 in a separate question, but go for it :)

Besides working for Terra, usually on the weekend, I use YouTube to listen to some new music, and I write my own songs. And then besides that, if it's a good weekend and there's a Formula One race, then I'm definitely gonna be watching.

How did you first get into F1?

I actually haven't been a fan for that long. I started to watch Formula One documentaries and that's when I first got into the F1 world. And I'm very lucky that my boyfriend used to be a racing driver, so he taught me a lot about how to watch Formula One, the rules, and the teams. And now my favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo - and I love F1 memes :)

All about the F1 memes :)

My interviewer is probably thinking, they are talking waay too much about Formula 1 right now.

haha, that's totally fine. What do you like about F1?

I love how the team fights for positions. And the one thing that really resonates with me is the concept of momentum in F1, you got to have the momentum. You have to be aggressive in everything you do. And that's something that I wrote on my LinkedIn profile as well, always fight with momentum.

You also said you write music, do you play any instruments?

I used to play the piano when I was little. I don't play much anymore, I like writing songs rather than composing.

Where are you from?

I'm from the southern part of China, born and raised near Guangzhou and Hong Kong and I speak Cantonese. The best part about growing up there was having weekend dinners with my extended family.

What did you study?

I studied Physics at university. It was fun, but I must confess it was hard. Every time when I passed an exam, I'd feel really proud.

I get the feeling. What was your favorite Physics subject?

I think my favorite part was probably my final year project in making a formalism to solve for rare events, and my quantum computing course. I'm really interested in the math behind it. I also used some of the concepts from quantum computing to write a song for my boyfriend and it worked since he also studies Physics :)

How do you find living in London?

Well, I literally moved to London a few days before I started my job at Terra. While I love working at Terra, I live pretty far away. Hopefully, I'll move soon though.

You mentioned you speak Cantonese, any other languages?

Mandarin and a little bit of German.

Do you like to travel?

Yeah, of course. My favorite places are Hong Kong and Tokyo. First of all, Hong Kong is the place that my family would always go to on vacation, and it's just fun. The best memory there is all about my parents. I can't remember what exactly I did there, but it was definitely a really fond memory. And then for Tokyo, it's just so nice. I love the makeup there :) cheap, but very versatile. And the food is so good. You can also have really weird dishes like raw pork or chicken. At first, you feel this is so disgusting, but it's actually quite good and you don't get sick.

Daisy roaming around Tokyo

What got you interested in Terra?

The first time I found out about Terra on a hiring platform, I looked into the job description and what really got me interested is that there's a part that says: Big plus if you're an athlete. I would consider myself as a high-performance athlete, during the summer I trained four to five hours per day. I really care about fitness and also use a lot of data to see how well I'm training. Not only the data from my watch, but I'm also tracking my nutrition as well. That was what attracted me to Terra at first, and on top of that, I really believe in what we are doing. Also, because I studied Physics, I'm interested in programming. So the combination of data and fitness sounded like something I would love.

How have your first few weeks here been?

It's actually very nice, I love the team since my first day here and my role as well. It's very fast-paced, but I love that.

What would you say your future plans or goals are?

I actually see myself working at Terra for a really long time. To continue in my role because I love what I'm doing right now and hopefully do even more in the future. I'm thinking maybe from here, I can also learn more about the technical side and be an engineer sometime.

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