Enable FreestyleLibre through your Terra dashboard
Select a Wearable
Connect users to your app
0. "active_durations_data":{...}
1. "calories_data": {...}
2. "device_data": {...}
3. "distance_data": {...}
4. "heart_rate_data": {...}
5. "movement_data": {...}
6. "position_data": {...}
Start receiving data from FreestyleLibre on your app or website
You Can Receive...
When data is available from an Apple device, it will be streamed to you via our webhooks. During your Terra account setup, you'll be prompted to provide a callback URL, allowing Terra to PUSH data using POST requests.
You may also use HTTP requests with your Apple integration in case you wish to request historical data or data over extended periods of time.
Our Apple integration with Terra offers instant data delivery, eliminating the need for periodic requests. Apple notifies Terra whenever new data is available, and we then POST the normalized data to your webhook.
Most HTTP endpoints can take additional parameters start_date and end_date which allow you to request data over a specific period for the given user.
When data is available from an Apple device, it will be streamed to you via our webhooks. During your Terra account setup, you'll be prompted to provide a callback URL, allowing Terra to PUSH data using POST requests.
Our Apple integration with Terra offers instant data delivery, eliminating the need for periodic requests. Apple notifies Terra whenever new data is available, and we then POST the normalized data to your webhook.
Terra API preserves the raw data from the wearable, it just standardizes the units and the json format. It doesn’t augment or change the raw data in any way.
Data is organized into one of 6 data types.
Learn More
Body Payload (JSON)
measurements_data: { ... }
metadata: { ... }
glucose_data: { ... }
Data can also be sent as a FIT File or with the FHIR Format.
Terra API preserves the raw data from the wearable, it just standardizes the units and the json format. It doesn’t augment or change the raw data in any way.
Data is organized into one of 6 data types.
Learn More
Similar Integrations
These integrations also offer Body and Nutrition data.
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