To use signing secrets for webhook verification:
- First find your webhook secret on Dashboard > Connections > Webhook and copy the signing secret
- In your webhook endpoint, verify the signature we send in the payload header like so:
SECRET = "<Your-Webhook-Secret>".encode("utf-8")
@app.route("/consumeTerraWebhook", methods=["POST"])
def webhook():
body = request.get_data().decode('utf-8')
signature_header = request.headers["terra-signature"]
t, signature = (pair.split("=")[-1] for pair in signature_header.split(","))
computed_signature = hmac.new(
SECRET, msg=f"{t}.{body}".encode("utf-8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha256
if signature != computed_signature:
return flask.Response(status=401)
return flask.Response(status=200)
Ensure that you use the raw body provided to the request payload