Q: Google fit no datasource payloads

DreadfulGecko4 months ago

When I authenticate a new user with the /authenticateUser endpoint, we receive an auth_success payload followed by google_no_datasource. How can I handle this?


Danieladmin4 months ago

The google_no_data_source payload is sent when a user connects a Google account which has no devices or sources of health data attached to it. This usually means the user connected the wrong account or does not have the Google Fit app installed and connected with their gmail/google account.

When you receive this payload, deauthenticate the user using the /deauthenticateUser endpoint, then ask the user to connect a valid account in your application front-end. You can use the reference_id sent in the payload to identify which user provided the invalid account.

DreadfulGecko4 months ago

Thank you for your answer, we will try that